“In order to achieve greatness sometimes we have to square off with adversity and have to walk in its very midst”.

June 1, 2010

Erik Weihenmayer lost  his vision at the age of 13. He has become an accomplished mountain climber, paraglider, and skier, never allowing his blindness to interfere with his passion for life.

On May 25, 2001, Erik became the first blind man to summit Mount Everest. And on September 5, 2002, when he stood atop Mt. Kosciusko in Australia, he completed a 7-year quest to climb the Seven Summits — the highest mountains on each of the seven continents — joining only 100 others who have accomplished that feat. Erik Weihenmayer and Mark Wellman are truly inspirational showing  triumph is determined by will!

What do you use as your “Light” as your “Fuel”? I want to hear what is your motivation to overcome adversity?

Back To the Basics; Foreclosures 101

May 29, 2010

The dream of every homeowner and real estate investor is to find a great home at an even better price, but foreclosures can offer a certain degree of opportunity for  us.  When homeowners can’t keep up their payments or sell a house on their own, the bank forecloses on the property and resells it to cover its costs. If the home loan was insured by the Federal Housing Administration, or FHA, then the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) takes over the property and resells it.

Either way, the previous homeowner’s loss could be your gain.

HUD foreclosures are first offered to buyers who intend to live in the home. But after a set period, the homes are offered to investors. You might be able to find local listings of HUD foreclosures. Or, HUD contracts with a number of management companies to compile listings in each state. Go to www.hud.gov/homes/index.cfm and click on your state to see what’s available.

You can look for foreclosures by ZIP code, so you can concentrate on neighborhoods with which you’re familiar. Also, be sure to do your research: Make sure you know what comparable houses in the neighborhood sell for so you can set a realistic purchase price. If you are planning on reselling or “flipping” the property, that same information can help you set a sales price. Be aware that it could be difficult to resell at a profit in a neighborhood with multiple foreclosures.

When buying foreclosures, you’re not always able to have the property inspected before putting in a bid. You could end up needing expensive repairs to shore up the foundation, fix the heating and air-conditioning system or replace the roof.  When looking to purchase a property, know your numbers. Hard Money Lenders usually do not lend over 65% ARV (After Repair Value) A quick example for a quick reference: A $100,000 property you want to have all the repairs and holding costs factored in and calculated not to exceed $65,000. So if you’re looking to Wholesale (I will cover Wholesaling in the near future)  you would want to be able include your “Finder’s Fee” or “Wholesale Fee” incorporated in the 65% ARV.

The home’s previous owners can present another challenge to buying foreclosures. If the home is still occupied, it could be difficult to evict owners or renters. And, if you are planning on reselling the home, the longer you have to pay the mortgage, the less profit you’ll make at resale.

Some investors buy properties before the foreclosure proceedings are final rather than waiting for an auction. That involves negotiating directly with the owners and dealing with complicated legal issues. Buying from the lender, or at a HUD auction, in generally considered a safer way for inexperienced investors to buy foreclosures.

If you’re planning to flip the foreclosure, make sure you hold reserves in escrow so you are able to make payments on the loan for several months, just in case you can’t sell it right away.

You also might want to purchase a foreclosure as a rental property. As long as the money coming in is greater than what you owe in mortgage costs, taxes and maintenance, rentals can be a good investment. Again, you’ll need to know the neighborhood and comparable rents before taking the plunge.

Buying foreclosures can be lucrative, but smart investors get plenty of advice from tax advisers, real estate attorneys, and mortgage lenders before they make a move. It’s always smart to know your OUT before knowing your IN. Always listen to the numbers. They never lie.

I encourage comments so please feel free to enter yours.

Heroes apply within

May 25, 2010

…I’ve always been a big Star Wars fan. I was on a flight and picked up the magazine you look at as you sit down and wait for the flight attendant to finish what you should do if the cabin loses pressure… I flip through it and see two mechanical hands; one closed on one page and open on the other. Biomechanics! Heck yeah it caught my attention!!! I had the same thought! “This is what Luke needed!” Whether you’re 6 or 36 you know who I’m talking about….
And in BOLD lettering I read, “IF GEEKDOM EVER NEEDED AN ACTION HERO, DEAN KAMEN IS READY FOR THE JOB.” Don’t feel bad I thought the same thing, “Who’s Dean Kamen?!”
“This country is in trouble….You’ve got a few billion people around the world looking at what makes us great, figuring out the skill sets and teaching their kids… Kamen, reached out to American inventors and founded DEKA Research and Developments, “bringing together future inventors at a young age; teaching kids how to think, solve problems and be prepared for taking over the world.”
The U.S Department of Defense gave DEKA an $18 million grant to make this prosthetic arm; the “Luke Arm” after Luke Skywalker to make available to our heroes returning from the war…..
I feel Dean and I share the same philosophy in helping people. I feel teaching someone, guiding them in their entrepreneurship, allows me to contribute and have the same fulfillment. In America today it’s we are the role models for our youth. Technology is making huge leaps and bounds! What makes NOW a great time is WE have the opportunity to mentor children today! They truly are the next heroes of our country! This is the perfect time for us to be able to give back and inspire! Let’s help inspire those new entrepreneurial spirits!

Boost Your Sexiest Muscle- YOUR BRAIN

February 10, 2010

This morning I read this article and then got into my car to take the kids to school and heard this quote from my Success Magazine CD.

“The single most important skill to master for increased happiness and success is to train your mind.”

I had to share! Enjoy!

Melina Montelongo

Here are ten more brain-boosting activities:

1. Walk and talk Find a walking partner, study a topic, and discuss it on your walks. You’ll get mental stimulation, physical exercise, and social connection-the key brain strengtheners.

2. Vary your routine Try a different grocer. Join a new club. Novelty stimulates new neural connections.

3. Get smart Be a lifelong learner, and don’t dabble. If you decide to study a language, sign up for as many classes as you can fit in your week.

4. Play Pick games with several levels of difficulty, to master one by one. For quicker thinking, try to beat the clock.

5 . De-stress Meditation, yoga, a walk in the woods: focus your mind and relax. This may build clearer memories.

6. Sleep Your brain is active when you are asleep—it is consolidating memories from your day. Skip the late show and give your brain time to work.

7. Imagine Include creativity in your day. Paint, write a diary or novel, visit new websites, or build your own.

8. Party Socialize and make new friends. Don’t be a loner—it can lull your brain into slowdown mode.

9. Eat right A diet rich in fruits and veggies, whole grains, and fish will help keep oxygen flowing to the brain.

10. Watch your numbers Work with your doctor to keep blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol in check.

Most important, shun gimmicks. No product can build extra brainpower instantly or effortlessly. But with challenging new habits, you can make your mind steadily sharper and stronger—now and for the rest of your life.

Boost Your Brain Health

By P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D., March & April 2010

Kim Eaton – A True Inspiration

January 19, 2010

I heard of Kim Eaton at an Acceleration class and searched for her on Youtube.
This is a video that I found. It was inspirational to hear the passion in her voice.


David and Melina

Le Femme Defend

January 17, 2010

This past school year I experienced a new feeling.
My daughter was in a situation where a little boy
overstepped my daughter personal boundaries, while
she was in a teacher’s care!
Talk about a feeling of vulnerability!

Fortunately we have an open line of communication,
so she told me what happened. But how could ever I
let her leave the house again without equipping her
for the world?

I don’t believe or endorse violence, but I teach my daughter
to protect herself along with her innocence.
We have taken my son to Victory Martial Arts for
the past two years and he is a First Degree Black Belt,
he has the confidence of a lion and he fears very little
because of it. He is learning to be a leader, a skill he
will carry with him through life.


Now for my daughter, my tiny dancer, learning self defense
techniques is no longer a choice, she WILL learn how to
defend herself.

I felt it important to team up with Mr. Jesse Elder and the
excellent instructors of Victory, SALEG-SA Ladies
Empowering Group
, and all of my personal contacts with
influence to spread the word about this 2 Hour Workshop.

Feel free to invite a girlfriend, sister, cousin, aunt, mother,
Daughter or son. If you’d like, bring a man to practice on!

I will see you there!

Please feel free to contact me with questions!

To the Empowerment of Women,
Melina Montelongo
Join a powerful group of women that will learn to be a
Force to reckoned with! Children’s Safety Class INCLUDED!

February 27, 2010
2 pm to 4 pm
Victory Martial Arts
2850 Hunters Green S.A. 78231

Women $20 Children $1-
All proceeds benefit San Antonio Battered Women & Children’s Shelter

8 Personality Traits that Successful People Have

January 11, 2010

After 10 years, and over 500 interviews with extraordinarily successful people, success analyst Richard St. John summed up the most important factors of success during his talk at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference.
Here is a quick recap of Richard St. John’s 8 Traits That Lead to Great Success:

1. Passion: Love what you do.

2. Work: Work really hard.

3. Focus: Focus on one thing, but not everything.

4. Push: Keep pushing yourself.

5. Ideas: Come up with good ideas.

6. Improve: Improve yourself and what you do.

7. Serve: Serve others something of value.

8. Persist: There really are no overnight successes.

Something for us all to ponder and work hard for this year
and every year to come!

To your success!
David & Melina

January 8, 2010

I’ll be honest, I’m a Longhorn Fan, my son and daughter will probably go to UT, most likely David and I will retire amongst the Dellionaires; but I did NOT watch the game last night.
Too busy getting to a business meeting, meeting a top promoter in SA, getting home for dinner, putting kids to bed WITH brushed teeth, catching up on emails, putting together a business plan for a new TV network, and getting to bed WITH brushed teeth myself!
As I get back to my emails this morning and see the story of how the game ended with MCCoy’s largest injury being a broken heart; I’m choked up and my heart goes out to the McCoy family because the lost dreams of the HUGE win and a lost perfect young career.
It takes an entire family to nurture these huge dreams.
I do look forward to seeing this young Leader emerge stronger, if he chooses. In life, I’m being reassured of this everyday, “the same wind falls on us all”, my mentor Jim Rohn says, “it’s not about what happens to us , it’s what we do with what happens to us. It’s not the blowing of the wind, it’s the set of the sail.”

My children know these quote well.

I wonder what went through McCoy’s mind on game day. I’m sure it wasn’t losing, but I wonder if it was on the fear of Losing; basically the same focus.
I’ll quote another mentor of mine in saying “With great power comes Great responsiblity”- Spiderman’s Uncle.
I wonder if it was too much pressure for such a young leader? thoughts?…

Melina Montelongo

“The Strangest Secret in the World”- Should be known by everyone!

January 1, 2010

“The Strangest Secret in the World” by Earl Nightingale is the first Video that we watched this morning, this first day of 2010. The most important thing to us is that thousands of folks will watch, listen, and internalize this video so that it may influence their frame of mind and their decisions made in 2010. We wish you all that your mind can dream of this year. Pass this video on to the people you wish to succeed; this wisdom should NOT be a secret kept from anybody.
“We Become What We Think About.”

David Strips Down!

December 28, 2009

Weighing in isn’t always what you expect it to be.
Sometimes it’s not just about losing weight,
it’s also about losing the body fat which comes from gaining muscle.

As we all know muscle weighs more than fat.
The most important thing in any challenge is to stay focused.

Sometimes there may be distractions, sometimes there are set backs,
sometimes there are people that are just there to stomp on your goals!

Thru it all, it boils down to staying focused and NEVER giving up!